16 and 17 October 2021: National regatta in Marina di Carrara


Results (in pdf): https://www.sailfd.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Classifica-Marina-di-Carrara-16-17-10-2021.pdf


Sea, Sun, Sailing on the Flying Dutchman and good food … What else?

On 16 and 17 October, don’t miss the chance to race at the national Flying Dutchman regatta organized by Il Club Nautico Marina di Carrara. Registration ONLINE is open: https://www.sailfd.it/iscrizione-regata-nazionale-a-marina-di-carrara/
The registration fee is 80,00 euro. Payments will be accepted only by bank transfer by 12/10/2021 to the following: 


IBAN IT06T0103024510000000759012

The bank transfer must indicate: Flying Dutchman national regatta & nbsp; – Nationality + Sailing number + name of the Helmsman + name of the Crew/Bowman. In case of a single bank transfer for several boats, please indicate the sail numbers of all the boats. Then a single email should be sent to  vela@clubnauticomarinadicarrara.net  , indicating in subject: DOCUMENTS FD SAIL NUMBER, and attaching the following documents: – Copy of the bank payment;  Certificate of the boat; Documents insurance; Membership card of the national sailing federation. Completion of registration must take place no later than 10am on 16.10.2021.

Notice of Race

Regatta Registration form  ONLINE

Entry List


Club Nautico Marina di Carrara ASD

Viale C.Colombo n.2 54036 MARINA DI CARRARA (MS)

Telephone: +39 0585 785150 Fax 0585 785364

Nostromo +39 331 46 00 630


vela@clubnauticomarinadicarrara.net or segreteria@clubnauticomarinadicarrara.net

See bigger Map: